A Travellerspoint blog

Introduction to this blog

A travel photography exhibition in London

You don’t have to go far from home to feel like a traveller, if you set out with a sense of exploration – and, in my case at least, the essential camera. This blog will focus on more local adventures – walks in and around London, plus some visits to different parts of England.

There will of course be plenty of photos. I will show you the sights, naturally, but also include images simply because they please me, like the one above - street photography, wildlife, landscapes - all the thing I most like to photograph.

Entries here will not necessarily be chronological, as I will mix recent outings with some older ones, reusing some of the material I wrote for Virtual Tourist. I hope to introduce you to some of my favourite parts of my home city and country.

Here are a few more random photos to whet the appetite.

Adlestrop, Gloucestershire

Beach with huts for drying fishing nets, Hastings Old Town

The Thames and city skyline, London

Dungeness: at the edge of England

Syon House, near London

Posted by ToonSarah 05:58 Archived in England Tagged landscapes beaches architecture london views village river city photography street_photography

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Great start to your new blog Sarah. I do love seeing your photos and reading your comments. Long may you keep them coming.

by Yvonne Dumsday

Love it! I agree with you - I like to explore my city too. I follow sports and cultural calendar and visit most of the local events, but also search details around town. I looking forward to reading more.

by Odiseya

This is fun. I look forward to following it.

by Beausoleil

Thank you all for the encouragement :)

by ToonSarah

now that we are entering in yet another partial lockdown, it is nice to read about stories close to home ... I am sure I am going to enjoy them! :)

by Ils1976

Hi Ils - yes, I think a lot of us are going to have to stay closer to home for a while yet :(

by ToonSarah

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